If you’re a person of faith, there are moments in everyone’s life when the dark night of the soul will come to visit.

Whether you’re male or female, raised with a Judeo/Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist background, you’ll be confronted with your humanity, in one way or another.

The world witnessed 12 soccer boys trapped two miles deep within a cave for 17 days. The boys confronted the threats of decreasing oxygen, infections, flooding water, and no food. The Monks of Thailand took vigil outside the entrance of the cave to pray continuously.

Experts worked to figure out how scientific technology could help rescue the boys from the darkness. The soccer coach, also trapped with the boys, taught them how to be centered, pray, focus, be still, and not panic. He taught them how to meditate.

Was it science or a miracle that helped those boys get out of that cave – through the narrowest passageways, deep within the water, and weak from weight loss?

Getting trapped can happen in more ways than one.

Women in the 21st century have many options to pursue: marriage, powerful careers, raising children, or choosing to be single.

However, they’re faced with three challenges in carving out a place in the world:

  • Redeeming what has been devalued in their domain
  • Mastering the territory that has been reserved to men
  • Resolving and transcending the opposition between these spheres by reformulating the relationship between them

Perhaps the spiritual world of women in the faith has a path of authenticity to help with the three psychological conflicts. They can be set free from oppression.

The pearl of great price wisdom from the Desert Mothers all points to the following, which underly the psychological challenges mentioned above:

  1. Responsibility for another person’s well-being – the deepest sign of God’s indwelling is how one treats their neighbor; we are our brother’s keeper
  2. Knowledge of his/her own inner life
  3. To embrace and acknowledge that there is a spiritual dimension to all relationships

If you’re feeling trapped and don’t know how to get out, being a seeker who questions for deeper meaning will help.

The scientifically proven method of talk therapy also helps, and the integration of both will clear your mind, give you a space within your own heart temple, and find a new kind of peace to access every day. Everything in life changes except the essence of the soul was the foundation of all of George Harrison’s music – a form of prayer.

Together, we’ll use the silences of your life to find a way out of feeling trapped. Call me now at (703) 356-5829, and I will help you create the music of your soul unique to you.