Emotions matter.

Whether you come once or twice a week with your spouse, couples therapy may be your first therapeutic experience.

Whatever pain you’re experiencing, be assured it’s not all about you.

It takes TWO to be a couple.

This joining means that each of you contributed to where you find yourself in that moment in the therapist’s virtual office.

As a couple, you’re asking me to join you for 50 minutes and help you both navigate the complexity of how to be in a relationship.

Together, we’ll unpack what you both bring to the relationship.

Expectations, sexual functioning, and fantasies that drive unrealistic ideals will be discussed and renegotiated to create a respectful, loving union.

My evaluation period begins with talking about your current symptoms, behaviors, and heartache to determine which service will set you up for success.

Talking to me will feel like talking to a friend.

I’ll pull together a thorough assessment of your strengths, potential growth areas, level of trauma, number of losses, attachment style, and capacity for the work.

Reviewing impressions, including yours and my seasoned recommendation, will determine what treatment format, such as session frequency or couples work, is likely the most effective.

If, for any reason, this is not a good fit and I feel my expertise is not suited to what you’re bringing, I’ll make an appropriate referral.

This is all about YOU.

Your needs and emotions matter.

What works in treatment is consistency, intensity, and commitment to intentionality for emotional health and well-being.

Contact me now at (703) 356-5829 to learn how I can help on your path toward wholeness in love, work, and play.

The Book of Love has music in it. In fact, that’s where music comes from.
Some of it’s transcendental. Some of it’s just dumb.

– Stephen Meritt