We have had to live with the pandemic for almost two years now. That is a long time. Omicron has emerged as yet another manifestation of this pandemic and we do not know what will follow. Will Omicron mutate and another less contagious variant emerge or will it morph into yet another variant to contend with. At this moment no one really knows. This uncertainty sets up a natural sense of helplessness among us all, at some level, even if it’s not obvious or when nightfall comes and sleep becomes difficult. Consequently, there is a natural regression to feelings conscious or unconscious that are either fear or terror which can result in regression and or isolation. The best way to cope with the soupy nature of life as we find it is to TALK, talk about feelings that emerge.
The major aspect of psychoanalysis has to offer is to look at the motivation behind decision-making during this time, and or look at the motivation behind feelings that are emerging. Talking to a professional helps with isolation, talking in groups helps with the collective nature of what we are living through, and talking helps the creative process to emerge in new ways. As much as this is a grieving process of living through what has been lost, rituals, daily comings, and going without having to constantly make a risk assessment which is exhausting, wearing masks, not attending large gatherings, or how to protect the children in our lives under the age of five that are not vaccinated is hard emotional work. Parents of young children, widows who live alone, elderly who are shut-in due to bad weather or adolescence who just want to gather are all struggling to get their footing in this new world. No one is spared, these are just a few examples noted.
Living with uncertainty is hard emotional work to contain and trust in one’s self to be able to adapt, be resilient and learn to live intentionally each day being grateful for whatever comes. The mystery of life demands both staying close to those we love, taking a risk, and either talking to a professional if you are feeling stuck or starting experimenting with the seven areas of life and making new goals for this new year. Spiritual goals of meditating, either in silence or listening to something like an app called HeadSpace is a place to start. The second area of life is taking inventory of financial goals. The third area is vocational, followed by what are your creative goals for the year, Fourth rejuvenation goals, what are the things that feel enlivening to you. The fifth goals involve Physical health and exercise. The recommendation is for at least 150 minutes a week of something, walking, strength training, riding a bike, horse, or stretching Move your body, be in touch with how your body feels can be grounding and help live more in the moment. Relational goals is the sixth area of life to consider: reach out to someone you haven’t seen recently, send a letter snail mail or call and talk on the phone. Examine your most intimate relationships all the way to your acquaintances. The seventh area of life is Emotional. Being intentional with each area of life is an opportunity to make use of this time of uncertainty. our natural tendency when facing uncertainty is to close down, shut down. I pray for those who are shutting down. That at some point like a flower that needs water that talking to a professional and learning how to nurture your sense of vitality that when this pandemic is over a greater sense of well being will follow.